Schools Training Programmes
We can show evidence from research & practice that movement in the learning process improves academic outcomes & wider wellbeing.
Through our Move & Learn training programmes we support teachers in finding purposeful & manageable ways to integrate movement into their lessons & across the school day.
We do this by focusing on four key areas:
- Culture & ethos
- Approaches
- Resources
- Environments

Our Programmes
1. Initial teacher training
Two half day sessions (in person or online) for teacher trainees to show them how Move & Learn approaches can be aligned with teacher pedagogy.
2. Locality middle leader training
Three half day sessions with a network of middle leaders in a given locality/Trust to help them develop Move & Learn approaches in their own settings whilst learning from others and developing a community of best practice. On completion of this programme there is also the opportunity for delegates to become a Move & Learn practitioner & provide mentoring support to other local schools.
3. Whole school staff training
This is a two hour session for all staff in school. Further mentoring support is available following this as required.
4. Bespoke training
We are currently working with a number of special education need leaders on how Move & Learn approaches effectively support neurodiverse children & young people in a range of settings.
A copy of our book How to Move & Learn is provided at the start of all of our training programmes to provide additional support to delegates between sessions. It can also be used in isolation to support practitioners plan, implement and embed Move & Learn approaches in their schools.
Prices on request based on location, context and numbers involved.