Bradford Birth to 19 SCITT

Bradford Birth to 19 SCITT

“Move and Learn training was fantastic, so interactive and actually super simple to see how the theory in practice actually really works – breaking up sedentary periods and incorporating movement into the session made it much more engaging and energising. A fantastic afternoon (despite the weather).

I will immediately begin to evaluate the physical activity levels of pupils in my class/ school. My school has a focus on PE and outdoor learning which is brilliant, but I think it will be really valuable to consider how movement can be incorporated into more traditional classroom lessons. I will consider including at least one movement/ active learning activity in my next lesson plan.”

“Really enjoyed the practical aspect of this training! Initially I was wondering whether I’d be able to incorporate some of the skills in a classroom setting but the M&L team gave plenty of ideas for learning activities that aren’t sat at a table.

Learning through movement is particularly important to me as a teacher so I will definitely be implementing some of the tools into my practice. I will look at my planning in the future and see which parts can be altered, even if it’s just ten more minutes a day of movement.

I will look back at the activities shown and see whether any would fit/could be adapted to fit my future lessons. I will also think about movement opportunities or interests that could motivate my class.”